Preserve v1.0, a Visual Basic Project Backup/Zipper Program by Steve Ahlstrom, Copyright 1995 by C4 Imaging Systems This program is relatively simple -- it fills an immediate need that I had. I tried several other programs that claimed to do the same; they either did not work (for me) or assumed that all of the files in a project would be in the same directory and did not backup the full directory paths along with the elements. Preserve allows you to select a .MAK file. When you double click on the filename a list of its contents, including full paths, are added to a listbox. You may add additional files to the listbox (that are not part of the .MAK) or you may remove files (from the archiving process, not from your .MAK file itself) from the list box. You've got some checkboxes that can be set to exclude .vbx or .bas or .frm files when you expand the .MAK file. When you've got all the files in the list box that you want click on the Preserve button. You'll be prompted to enter a destination. After you do the files will be zipped together (including full directory paths). You can unzip with whatever zip utility you usually use. To keep the directory structure intact make sure you use the -d flag with PKUNZIP or whatever flag is necessary for the variant of the unzipper you use. The program has some features that aren't necessarily the Windows standard (ie, double clicking on filenames to add or delete from the list box) but I'm not too crazy about Windows anyway. The program was written because I needed it, so, it pleases me and I really don't care if I'm the only one it pleases. It is, and probably shows, my first complete VB program. At the office I've been assigned to modify and enhance a very large VB product. Until last week I'd not ever seen VB. It's fun, but C/C++ it ain't. This program is emailware. If you use it AND like it, send me email at 76703,2006 (internet at or If you don't like it I don't want to hear about it. It's free. Write your own.